After Croatia’s accession to the EU, the making of feasibility studies has become a separate and rather diversified service activity. If the project is well-defined, making the feasibility study is largely an administrative formality that needs to be completed according to the given form (although the financial part of the study still requires some specialist knowledge). However, in a large number of cases, clients actually need the service of developing the project and its goals. Here it is possible to save a lot of time and money if answers to two questions are found at first:
1. Are project goals compliant with Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020?
2. Do social benefits, from a project, exceed the amount of investment?
If the answer to both questions is true, investing money into making a feasibility study is justified. If not, no feasibility pre-studies or pre-feasibility studies will help.
As for feasibility studies for other needs, Corellia advisory experts participated in the making of and assessment of feasibility studies for projects to be financed by commercial banks, EBRD and US Trade and Development Agency (
For more information on our feasibility study services, please contact us at the address